Private Cloud GitHub PR Integration

Set Up a Webhook

  • Add a webhook to your repo
  • Payload URL is: https://<NX_CLOUD_APP_URL>/nx-cloud/github-webhook-handler
  • Content type: application/json
  • Add a "Secret" (can be anything). Remember it, as we'll need to pass it to our Docker container.

Add webhook to github

  • Enable "Check Suites", "Check runs" and "Pull Requests" as the events that trigger the webhook.

Enable check suites and check runs Enable pull requests

Generate Access token

  • Private Cloud will need permission to post comments on your Pull Requests
  • Follow these instructions
  • Make sure you select "repo" as a scope
  • After you generate the token, make sure to copy and store it. We'll add it to Private Cloud in a bit.

Generate personal access token

Optional - Configure Self-Hosted GitHub Instances

  • If you are running a self-hosted edition of GitHub, you'll need to tell Private Cloud where to make requests to
  • Your GitHub API URL should look like this: (without a trailing slash)
  • Keep a note of it, as we'll use it to configure Private Cloud ☝️
  • Optionally, you can try the above URL in the browser to see if it finds the API.
  • Note if you use public GitHub, this step is not required. You also don't need to provision the GITHUB_API_URL env variable when creating a container.

Run your container with all the configuration options we generated above:

> docker run --name cloud \
    -p 80:8081 \
    -e NX_CLOUD_MODE=private-community \
    -e NX_CLOUD_APP_URL="" \
    -e ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin \
    -v /data/private-cloud:/data nxprivatecloud/nxcloud:latest


Nx Cloud uses the accessToken property from nx.json to find a workspace for a given GitHub repository. If it isn't possible to set accessToken, you can also pass NX_CLOUD_INTEGRATION_DEFAULT_WORKSPACE_ID env variable to the container. This value will be used when the accessToken property is missing. You can find the id of your workspace in the URL.